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Organisation Identifiers

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Org Type Total Self Refs Excluding Self Refs
Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Valid Refs Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs
Accountable 493,355 458,768 446,022 306,347 187,008 152,421 139,675 126,713 68
Extending 527,486 492,626 492,578 299,314 228,172 193,312 193,264 50,787 22
Funding 1,193,970 972,507 913,294 506,076 687,894 466,431 407,218 173,119 25
Implementing 873,998 700,611 527,210 128,300 745,698 572,311 398,910 358,069 48
Provider 6,030,628 5,241,538 3,717,133 2,815,021 3,215,607 2,426,517 902,112 492,300 15
Receiver 7,076,585 3,703,304 2,233,700 1,359,042 5,717,543 2,344,262 874,658 663,986 12