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Organisation Identifiers

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Org Type Total Self Refs Excluding Self Refs
Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Valid Refs Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs
Accountable 493,455 458,841 446,093 306,396 187,059 152,445 139,697 126,732 68
Extending 527,571 492,711 492,663 299,350 228,221 193,361 193,313 50,801 22
Funding 1,193,631 972,409 913,196 505,870 687,761 466,539 407,326 173,195 25
Implementing 873,076 700,161 526,804 127,780 745,296 572,381 399,024 358,183 48
Provider 6,012,498 5,241,331 3,716,926 2,814,805 3,197,693 2,426,526 902,121 492,309 15
Receiver 7,068,819 3,703,113 2,233,509 1,358,807 5,710,012 2,344,306 874,702 664,025 12