IATI Tools

IATI Dashboard

Licenses listed on the Registry

Which licences are used by IATI publishers?

Licences are applied to files by publishers on the IATI Registry, and explain how data can be used.

Count of publishers per licences in use on the IATI Registry

Click the icons to sort the table by a column. Selecting further columns whilst holding the shift key will enable secondary (tertiary etc) sorting by the desired column/s.

License License ID Files Publishers
OKD Compliant::Creative Commons Attribution cc-by 2886 377
OKD Compliant::Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike cc-by-sa 186 79
Non-OKD Compliant::Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any) cc-nc 3 2
OKD Compliant::Creative Commons CCZero cc-zero 2030 76
OKD Compliant::GNU Free Documentation License gfdl 3 3
Other::License Not Specified notspecified 269 118
OKD Compliant::Open Data Commons Attribution Licence odc-by 1309 287
OKD Compliant::Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) odc-odbl 93 45
OKD Compliant::Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL) odc-pddl 436 180
OKD Compliant::Other (Attribution) other-at 2323 95
Non-OKD Compliant::Other (Non-Commercial) other-nc 2 2
OKD Compliant::Other (Open) other-open 1336 480
OKD Compliant::Other (Public Domain) other-pd 325 54
OKD Compliant::UK Open Government Licence (OGL) uk-ogl 173 31